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Table 1 Descriptive characteristics in women with versus without preeclampsia among 15541 parous women in Shanghai, 2017 to 2021

From: Gestational weight gain of multiparas and risk of primary preeclampsia: a retrospective cohort study in Shanghai


Never suffered from PE

n= 15007

Primary PE

n= 534

Primary PE

n= 534

Early-onset preterm

PE n= 52

Late-onset preterm PE n= 114

Term PE n= 368

Maternal age, y

34.1 (3.6)

34.3 (4.0)

35.4 (4.2)

34.6 (4.3)

34.1 (3.9)

Gestational age at delivery, week, median (IQR)

38.9 (1.3)

38.6 (1.9)

34.2 (5.8)

37.1 (1.9)

39.0 (1.3)

Maternal height, cm

161.5 (4.8)

161.6 (5.0)

161.6 (5.2)

161.6 (4.9)

161.7 (5.0)

College degree or above (%)

13,361 (89.0)

444 (83.1)a

45 (86.5)

88 (77.2)

311 (84.5)

Smoker (%)

40 (0.3)

1 (0.2)

0 (0.0)

1 (0.9)

0 (0.0)

Mode of conception

 Natural conceived (%)

14,449 (96.3)

508 (95.1)b

47 (90.4)

106 (93.0)

355 (96.5)

 ART (%)

558 (3.7)

26 (4.9)

5 (9.6)

7 (7.0)

13 (3.5)


2.9 (1.1)

3.0 (1.1)

3.2 (1.1)

3.0 (1.2)

3.0 (1.1)


2.0 (0.2)

2.0 (0.2)

2.0 (0.2)

2.0 (0.2)

2.0 (0.1)

Maternal complications

 GDM (%)

2,992 (19.9)

144 (27.0)a

16 (30.8)

36 (31.6)

92 (25.0)

 Liver disease (%)

1,158 (7.7)

42 (7.9)

3 (5.8)

6 (5.3)

33 (9.0)

 Renal disease (%)

157 (1.0)

9 (1.7)

0 (0.0)

3 (2.6)

6 (1.6)

 Thyroid disease (%)

3,742 (24.9)

113 (21.2)

13 (25.0)

24 (21.1)

76 (20.7)

 Male sex (%)

7,755 (51.7)

274 (51.3)

26 (50.0)

67 (58.8)

181 (49.2)

 Fetal weight, g

3,368.8 (426.5)

3,218.5 (630.1)a

2,623.7 (774.1)

3,141.8 (614.6)

3,326.3 (559.8)

 Neonatal hospitalization (%)

1,184 (7.9)

83 (15.5)a

16 (30.8)

24 (21.1)

43 (11.7)

 BMI in early pregnancy, kg/m2, median (IQR)

21.8 (3.4)

22.9 (4.4)a

22.7 (5.2)

23.3 (4.0)

22.8 (4.2)

 Underweight (<18.5) (%)

953 (6.4)

41 (7.7)

5 (9.6)

6 (5.3)

30 (8.2)

 Normal weight (18.5-24.9) (%)

11,997 (79.9)

348 (65.2)

31 (59.6)

75 (65.8)

242 (65.8)

 Overweight or obese (≥25) (%)

2,057 (13.7)

145 (27.2)

16 (30.8)

33 (28.9)

96 (26.1)

 Gestational age at diagnosis of PE, week


37.3 (2.8)

30.5 (2.1)

35.7 (0.8)

38.8 (1.0)

 Gestational weight gain at delivery, kg, median (IQR)

12.10 (4.90)

12.40 (6.13)

10.60 (5.58)

13.05 (6.95)

12.40 (5.70)

 Gestational weight gain at diagnosis of PE, kg


10.14 (5.02)

8.28 (3.57)

10.94 (5.28)

10.15 (5.06)

 Gestational weight gain at delivery, z score, median (IQR)

-0.27 (1.07)

-0.13 (1.21)a

0.03 (1.21)

0.16 (1.54)

-0.24 (1.15)

 Gestational weight gain at diagnosis of PE, z score


-0.19 (1.14)

0.02 (1.06)

0.00 (1.05)

-0.29 (1.18)

  1. Values are mean (SD) or n (%) unless otherwise stated
  2. IQR Indicates interquartile range, ART Indicates assisted reproductive technology, BMI Indicates body mass index, GDM Indicates gestational diabetes mellitus, PE Indicates preeclampsia
  3. a P<0.001, group no preeclampsia vs group preeclampsia
  4. b P<0.01, group no preeclampsia vs group preeclampsia