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Table 1 Sociodemographic characteristics and clinical presentation of ART-naïve PLWH by gender at enrollment

From: Prevalence of hypertension among antiretroviral therapy naïve patients in Lagos, Nigeria



(n = 10,426)


(n = 6886)


(n = 3540)


aAge in years (± SD)

36.41 (± 9.34)

34.38 (± 8.61)

40.37 (± 9.43)

 < 0.001

Age groups in years, n (%)


 < 0.001

 18 – 24

652 (6.3)

532 (7.7)

120 (3.4)



8756 (84.0)

5899 (85.7)

2857 (80.7)


  ≥ 50

1018 (9.7)

455 (6.6)

563 (15.9)


Educational Status, n (%)


 < 0.001


507 (4.9)

397 (5.8)

110 (3.1)



1941 18.8)

1261 (18.5)

680 (19.4)



4485 (43.5)

2960 (43.5)

1525 (43.5)



3380 (32.8)

2191 (32.2)

1189 (34.0)


Occupation, n (%)


 < 0.001


1206 (11.6)

941 (13.7)

265 (7.5)



9093 (87.6)

5890 (85.8)

3203 (90.9)



87 (0.8)

30 (0.5)

57 (1.6)


Marital status, n (%)


 < 0.001


2986 (28.6)

1976 (28.7)

1010 (28.5)



5879 (56.4)

3676 (53.4)

2203 (62.3)



633 (6.1)

764 (11.1)

164 (4.6)



928 (8.9)

470 (6.8)

163 (4.6)


Alcohol intake, n (%)


 < 0.001


7339 (77.3)

5416 (86.4)

1923 (59.7)


 Light and Moderate

1978 (20.8)

833 (13.3)

1145 (35.6)



172 (1.6)

20 (0.3)

152 (4.7)


Co-morbidity, n (%)



581 (5.6)

306 (4.4)

275 (7.8)

 < 0.001

 Diabetes Mellitus

80 (0.8)

33 (0.05)

47 (1.3)

 < 0.001

 Renal disease

35 (0.3)

16 (0.2)

19 (0.5)



358 (3.4)

196 (2.8)

162 (4.6)

 < 0.001

 Mean Systolic BP (± SD)

114.20 (± 19.91)

112 02 (± 19.22)

118.45 (± 20.53)

 < 0.001

 Mean Diastolic BP (± SD)

73.20 (± 12.93)

72.34 (± 12.67)

74.88 (± 13.26)

 < 0.001

BMI categories (kg/m2), n (%)


 Median (25th – 75th percentiles)

23.12 (20.28 – 26.63)

23.44 (20.32 – 27.12)

22.58 (20.18 – 25.54)



5735 (64.8)

3606 (61.7)

2129 (70.6)



3122 (35.2)

2237 (38.3)

885 (29.4)


WHO Stage, n (%)


 < 0.001


1347 (19.8)

1007 (22.5)

340 (14.6)



2471 (36.4)

1683 (37.7)

788 (33.8)



2287 (33.6)

1387 (31.0)

900 (38.6)



693 (10.2)

393 (8.8)

300 (12.8)


Viral Load (copies/ml), n (%)


 < 0.001

  ≤ 1000

2458 (28.9)

1677 (29.5)

781 (27.9)


 1001 – 100,000

3004 (35.4)

2197 (38.6)

807 (28.8)


  ≥ 100,001

3029 (35.7)

1814 (31.9)

1215 (43.3)


CD4 count (cells/μL), n (%)


 < 0.001

  ≤ 200

4483 (44.8)

2739 (41.4)

1744 (51.4)


 201 – 499

3985 (39.8)

2711 (41.0)

1274 (37.6)


  ≥ 500

1537 (15.4)

1164 (17.6)

373 (11.0)

  1. BP Blood pressure, SD Standard deviation, BMI Body Mass Index, Underweight/Normal ≤ 24.9 kg/m2, Overweight/Obese ≥ 25.0 kg/m2, CD4 Cluster of differentiation 4
  2. aMean age and Standard deviation. Educational Status; Primary (First six years of formal education), Secondary (Second six years of formal education), and Tertiary (college of education, polytechnic, university). Alcohol intake; Never refers to participants who have never taken alcohol, while light, moderate and heavy refer to participants who consume 1—3 units, 4—13 units, and ≥ 14 units of alcohol respectively per week. Co-morbid diagnosis of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and renal disease was made from history taking and self-report by study participants. Co-morbid diagnosis of tuberculosis was made through a combination of history taking and clinical examination